Chapter 10 – "You Make a Good Pair"
Naval Judicial Courts, Naval Station Yokosuka, Japan – Sept 10, 1994; 1535hrs
"Would you please play the tapes for the record?"
"With pleasure; Commander." The tape ran for what seemed like an indeterminable time of blank silence before the first communications took place as well as in between transmissions; but the jury and audience were patient. They could hear the hiss of the turbines in the background of the tape. Since it was a DAT recording, there was no tape hiss.
"Dollar, take the lead…"
"Roger that…"
"Spaz…you ready to roll tape?"
"Roger that…"
"OK…radio silence…now…"
"Dollar, tracer fire…crank your speed up and let's get through this shit…"
"Fast Eagle 104, Combat, we're taking triple A fire…who the hell thought this was a good idea?" Smiles on the faces of the jury members. Those who were aviators knew that sometimes sarcasm was the best way to get through a tough situation. This was the voice of a calm-cool and collected aviator; not someone who would cut and run.
Dollar's voice sounded in the courtroom. "Fast Eagle 114, Combat, Mayday Mayday Mayday; hit right engine; bad engine fire…hydraulic fluid leaking; stick sluggish…I don't think I'm going to make it back…"
"I've lost all control…I've lost control…Eject, eject, eject…"
"Fast Eagle 104…Combat…Fast Eagle 114 is down. I repeat Fast Eagle 114 is down. Two good chutes… Orbiting…are you sending Angel?" Animal's voice was calm, cool and collected.
"Fast Eagle 104…that's a are to return to Civic." All eyes were now on Commander Campbell who realized that his case had just gone in the toilet. There was his voice unaltered on the UHF for all to hear. And the next radio call from Fast Eagle 104 sealed his fate.
"Combat, you're leaving 114 with no cover at all…"
"Fast Eagle 104…You WILL return to Civic…that is all…"
The looks on all the faces of the combat aviators in the jury were damning. Campbell was toast and he knew it.
"Roger, Combat…" and the jury members could hear the vibrating anger in the voice of the aviator in control of Fast Eagle 104. "Under…stood…"If looks could kill from the Marine and Naval combat aviators (the ones who flew jet fighters) in the jury, Campbell would have been a smoking pile of ashes. Commander Nakamura had barely restrained himself from hurling epithets at Campbell during that mission…and the combat aviators knew it.
"We also can capture the ICC transmissions on the band…and here is what happened next…" Ollie said.
"Hit the SAR band. See if we got any emergency beacon indication…"
"Got it…Animal…" a pause "Both are down and both active…"
"All right you son-of-a bitch…see how you like this…" and the jury members could hear the buzz of the Vulcan cannon going off and the explosion as the Zsu-23 blew up… "Gotcha; you son of a bitch…"
"Fast Eagle 104… Combat, Egressing now… Two good emergency beacons…active…and I got the son-of-a bitch that got him too…inbound…"
Turning the player off, Ollie stood back up and went to sit down after handing the tapes to the court officer. Krennick stood up and looked over at the jury. "This is an incorruptible tape recording; what you heard on that tape is exactly what went down on the early morning hours of 29 August 1994. Lieutenant Commander Nakamura orbited the area on his own initiative until he could hear the emergency beacons and their positions. You have heard Commander Campbell give the order to return to Civic in contravention of standing orders from the Department of Defense that all downed personnel are to be given all help possible in their recovery. Lieutenant Commander Nakamura ascertained that the men under his command had survived. Lieutenant Commander Nakamura was in an F-14 Tomcat. There was no way that he personally could have rescued those men from the cockpit of his F-14. And on top of that he personally went after the Zsu-23 that got his wingman and as you can see from the sounds on the tape he was successful. It is clear that the tape that you heard at the outset of the trial is doctored and a forgery. You have the evidence and you have the testimony of the CT1 who did it. And you can see that now-Commander Nakamura has the wounds to show that he went over and above what he had to do in order to recover the men that were under his command during that mission."
"Prosecution, do you have any questions for any of the witnesses?"
Lindsey knew he was beaten. "No we do not…Your Honor…"
"Defense do you have any more witnesses that you wish to bring to the table to refute other charges...which are currently on the table?
"Yes, we do, your honor…I'd like to call Commander David Campbell to the stand…" Well, tit for tat, Lindsey. Let's see how you like it when I turn your prosecutory arguments into Swiss Cheese…
"Commander David Campbell…do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you, God"
By this time Campbell was shaking like a leaf; he knew his case was dead in the water and sinking fast. "Y-y-yes…I D-d-do"
"Take your place at the witness stand. Commander." Commander Allison Krennick stalked towards the witness stand glowering at Commander Campbell who looked about ready to drop pellets and make a run for it, "Are you aware of what the ramifications are of dereliction of duty, Commander?"
"Objection; counselor is threatening the witness…"
"Just asking the witness a simple question; Your Honor…"
"Sustained… Get to the point; counselor."
"Sorry, Your Honor. Commander Campbell, how many times have you reported problems with your aircraft during the course of this deployment?"
"Objection, Counsellor is asking the witness to remember obscure facts…"
"Your honor; goes to show the veracity of the witness…"
"Overruled…I'd like to hear the answer on this one, Counselor…Go ahead and answer the question…Commander."
"I-I-I…don't know…"
Allison Krennick walked around to the defense table picked up a bound book of papers… "Do you recognize the entries here?" and shoved the book towards Commander Campbell.
"Yes…these are my gripe sheets…stating what problems I had with my aircraft."
"Thank you, Commander; Your Honor, entered into Exhibit G…" Krennick walked back to the defense table and picked up another bound book. "Can you tell me what these are? Commander Campbell?"
"These are the times that I reported engine trouble or other problems with my aircraft that prevented me from flying the mission…"
"Thank you, Commander Campbell… I'm entering this in as Exhibit H." She headed back to the table to find another bound booklet "…and…"
"Your Honor, are these questions leading anywhere?" Lindsey stood up.
"I'll humor the Defense and see where it's headed…I'll make the determination; counselor, whether or not to rule on whether the questions lead anywhere or not…" Judge Alberts stated; giving the prosecution attorney a saturnine glare.
"Your Honor, these are the maintenance staff response sheets to the gripe sheets that were presented by Commander Campbell as to the up-status or down-status of his aircraft. In ninety five percent of the cases where Commander Campbell radioed in to inform the Carrier Information Center as to the fact that he had to abort the mission whether in-flight or on the catapult; the gripe was unfounded. There was no engine problem or down radio; transponder or any problem that you had that prevented you from fulfilling the mission in those cases." Allison Krennick stared down Commander Campbell. "You wrote those gripe sheets so that you could get out of fulfilling your duties as a naval aviator. To get out of missions…Isn't that right? Commander Campbell?!"
"Objection, Counselor is badgering the witness!" Lindsey hopped to his feet yet again. It must have been tiring his legs.
"Overruled Counselor; you opened the door to that line of questioning by implicating that the defendant was not doing his duty…so I'd like to hear the Commander's response to that…"
Commander Campbell came apart at the seams. "You all think that you're so terrific, don't you. You all like to think that you have honor. That's what you all hide behind. But you're just as scared as I am…at least I tell the truth to myself. You think you're so great; Nakamura! If it weren't for those fancy awards you got, you'd be nothing! You all think that you're a bunch of heroes just because you wear those gaudy ribbons and march around pretending like your shit doesn't stink!"
"Did you avoid your lawfully ordered duties, Commander!" Krennick snarled at Commander Campbell.
"What? You think I'm going to answer that and incriminate myself? I don't think so, Commander…"
"Then let me show another exhibit." Krennick walked over to the defense table. "Commander Campbell didn't keep up his night traps either. When he went up to qualify for night traps he did, what was called by aviators as, pinkies. Pinkie traps are what's derisively known around naval aviation circles as cheating on your exam; trapping during twilight hours, just after the sun drops below the horizon and there's still light in the sky. Sure they count as night traps, but they don't count where it really counts; in the court of public (meaning the naval aviator community) opinion which is of the view that night traps are done in the dark with only the moon for illumination. And if you notice here," She picked up yet another book – These are Commander Campbell's log book entries; rather sparse hours for a Naval Aviator who was winged in 1973. And in none of these entries other than in flight school where one couldn't cheat their way through, was a trap recorded at any point later than 1820 during the summertime or 1545 during the winter. So you didn't do actual naval aviation traps at night, did you, Commander Campbell?" Commander Krennick gave him a withering stare, "In comparison…let's take a look at Commander Nakamura's log books. "Seven recorded night traps 0030hrs for the week ending the 16 August 1994. 12 night traps on 21 August 1994 between 0210hrs through 0400 hrs; two tanks in order to refuel to complete the 12 traps with a re-qualified in night carrier landings certification. As you can see going down the list of his traps, he's accumulated well over 2000 traps during the course of his fourteen year naval career while Commander Campbell has less than one quarter of the amount of traps in his twenty three year naval career a full eight years more than Commander Nakamura. So how can we explain that away? You can't. Commander Campbell, can you explain why in a career that is eight years less than yours; that Commander Nakamura has over 1500 more traps than you?" Allison Krennick picked up yet another sheet of paper. "Your Honor this was the meteorological report for 21 August 1994. Ceiling was down to two thousand feet, visibility was at minimums…and the seas were stormy for that night. Commander Campbell. Commander Nakamura went out on a night that even birds are scared to fly in and he re-qualified on night traps on that night. Would you care to answer why he went and re-qualified on a night like that when most sane people would say Forget it, I'm not going up…I'd rather stay in my rack and read a book?"
"Maybe he wanted to be a glory hound and show to everyone else that whatever you can do I can do better."
"No, Commander, It's because my client is an actual naval aviator who when it comes to testing himself, he does it in the most difficult fashion possible so that he knows he can do it in the best weather without fail. The only reason why you consider he's a glory hound is because when you accused my client of being a coward, you were just projecting your own insecurities on to my client in the hopes of destroying his career. Your logbooks tell the truth that you can't admit to yourself: that you are a craven coward who doesn't deserve to wear the uniform of a United States Naval Officer."
"OBJECTION YOUR HONOR! Counselor is badgering the…"
Judge Alberts thundered shooting a glare at Lindsey that could melt steel, "OVERRULED! Your client just accused the entire jury and court of being paper cut-out heroes, I think we have a right to hear what your client has to say…to the facts being presented to him."
Campbell exploded vociferously on the stand, "Do you really think I'm going to say that I'm willing to wreck my career; that I turned around and had them doctor the tapes so that I could kill Nakamura's career. The jury can do their best…But you're going to have to decide whether my accusations have any merit at all…you're all still gonna dance to my tune…"
"Your Honor, the defense would make a motion to sequester the jury so that under Rule 803, an Article 39a summary hearing can be convened, while the prosecution client is taken into custody." Allison Krennick stated; firmly confident in the fact that she'd made Campbell lose his composure.
The Judge turned around and glared at Commander Campbell who looked at him like a deer in the headlights, "I agree, Defense Counselor. Commander Campbell, You have charges that are to be read against you; for tampering with official USN transmissions and contravening several statutes of the UCMJ which include Article 92; Dereliction of Duty. Master At Arms, take him into custody…"
Rabbit screamed, "THIS WASN'T HOW THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO GO DOWN… NAKAMURA!" as he was grabbed by the arms by both Master At Arms…"NAKAMURA…YOU ARE DEAD MEAT!"
Judge Alberts dryly said, "Well, add Article 115 Communicating Threats to the charges as well…Master At Arms; remove him from my courtroom…
Rabbit's screams sounded like a rabbit being killed as they dragged him kicking and screaming out of the courtroom.
RDML Winston Alberts looked wryly at the members assembled in the courtroom. "Members of the Jury, in light of the evidence that has been provided by the defense as to the culpability of the accuser, I'm suspending closing arguments. You have the facts and evidence in front of you; you also have the near self-incrimination of the accuser. Your job is to now see if that accuser's accusations towards Commander Nakamura have any merit at all. You will be sent to a room to deliberate on the matter; if food is needed, it will be sent directly to your deliberation room. You are hereby sequestered to deliberate until such time as you have a hung jury or you come to a verdict. Jury, you will follow the third Master-At-Arms to the room. Court is now recessed until a verdict is rendered. Stay within hailing range of the court building…Thank you. The galley is still open. I would suggest that you all get something to eat at the galley…while the jury frantically gets themselves in order to deliberate on the matter. I think I'm going to go get myself a cup of soup…Goodness knows I need it after this one." He shook his head as he got up out of his chair.
"ALL RISE!" The remaining Master at Arms resisted a grin…while barking out…that command…after the Judge made that sarcastic joke. All the court room stood as the Judge made his exit. "Court will resume once a verdict is rendered. All members stay on site, please!"
Navy Galley; Naval Judicial Courts, Naval Station Yokosuka, Japan – Sept 10, 1994; 1655hrs
Animal, Harm, Meg and Boone sat down together. Since Boone's testimony was done, it was alright to be seen together.
"I just can't believe it that you know each other…" Harm stated as he looked over at CAG. "Geez, it's a small world…"
"Well, Harm, you were in Grade Twelve the year he was commissioned as an Ensign in the United States Navy." Boone said.
"…and that makes me…uh…" Meg did some quick figuring… "…eleven years old…I feel like the youngster here…"
Harm smirked at Meg. "That gets you back for calling me old…"
"I didn't say that, counselor…" Meg smirked at him… "…You said… They didn't have computers back then…I saw this movie back when I was a kid… I only said… Oh…you mean wayyy back… I wasn't implying anything…" she grinned.
Animal snickered and Harm said peevishly, "Excuse me, sir…but you're older than I am by five years…"
Animal looked over at Boone, "Not saying a thing…"
Boone glowered at Harm and Meg. "Damned young whippersnappers…" he looked over at Animal, "They're worse when they're lawyers cause they'll talk circles around you."
"Don't I know it all too well, sir?" Animal muttered caustically as Meg and Harm looked over at him with peeved expressions. Three of them were munching on sandwiches. Harm got himself an egg sandwich while Animal decided to get himself some roast beef and a couple sliders. Meg got herself a roast beef sandwich while Boone had got himself lasagna. Harm looked over sadly at the meat-eater's convention sitting at his table; Boone's glare told him…not a word so he kept his mouth shut.
It actually turned out to be not very long at all before the jury came out with a verdict. They deliberated for less than twenty minutes but convened about an hour later to allow the members time to grab a bite to eat as well and the jury had pizza sent up to their room so they got a chance to eat as well.
Naval Judicial Courts, Naval Station Yokosuka, Japan – Sept 10, 1994; 1745hrs
"Jury Foreman, do you have your verdict."
"Yes we do, Your Honor," And the jury foreman, a Marine Colonel; a full bull eagles Class A Service Greens wearing Marine Corps aviator with gold aviator wings looked over at Animal with a nod and then looked back at the judge.
Judge Alberts looked towards the defense bench, then over at the jury foreman; "Would the jury foreman read out the findings?"
"Yes, Your Honor, Under the charge and specification of Article 89 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice: Disrespect toward superior commissioned officer: NOT GUILTY! Under the charge and specification of Article 90 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice: Willfully Disobeying Superior Officer; NOT GUILTY. Under the charge and specification of Article 92: Failure to Obey Order or Regulation;NOT GUILTY! Under the charge and specification of Article 110 (b) of the Uniform Code of Military Justice: Negligent Improper hazarding of vessel or aircraft; NOT GUILTY! Under the charge and specification of Article 133: Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman; NOT GUILTY! Your Honor; the Jury finds the defendant under all charges and specifications; NOT GUILTY. The decision is unanimous."
"Commander Nakamura," The Judge said, "It has been proven beyond a doubt of your heroism…Commander Nakamura; this jury finds you on all counts Not Guilty…you are free to go."
Animal closed his eyes and let out a deep breath that he hadn't even realized he'd been holding as the verdict was read out; vindication…and he looked over at Commander Krennick and shook her hand. "Thank you, Commander."
"My pleasure, Commander." Commander Krennick said looking him up and down. "Now you can enjoy the rest of the afternoon."
Animal looked over at Meg…She had come around the fence to stand by Animal's side; her eyes were shining… brimming…it seemed. He smiled at her…and she flung herself into his arms. "We won…" he said, "If it wasn't for your Uncle Ollie's tapes; they saved me…" AJ was looking over at Meg, who was hugging Animal tightly; with a wry expression and then looked over at Harm. Harm sighed. Animal whispered in Meg's ear, "Remind me to believe every word you say…" softly…as he looked over at her. "You saved my career…and Harm did too…he figured out what to look for…and you got it…" He tightened his hug on Meg…as if he didn't want to let go. And Meg just held him letting him feel the comforting feelings coming from her. He looked at her eyes…and he wasn't mistaken that they were brimming; with emotional tears of joy for him that he was vindicated…that those vindictive charges were crushed. She let him go long enough for him to turn to meet the incoming jurors who joined the celebration of Animal's win in court that day.
One by one the jury members came over and shook Animal's hand. "Congratulations, Commander…we thought there was something fishy about the first recording…"
The Jury Foreman stood in front of him, "Commander…This was one decision we were glad that we could all agree on." stated the Marine Colonel. "Amazing thing that you did for your men…"
One by one, Animal shook each of their hands; favoring them with a "thank you…sir" or a "Thank you ma'am…" as per gender even if they were his rank-equivalent; he figured he owed them that much. His parents always had taught him to be polite and the appreciation; that the jury saw through Campbell's mud throwing, was written all over his face as each one of the jurors came up to him.
One of the female Navy Captains, a tall red-head, wearing line-officer's stars and surface warfare designator, came up to the vindicated Commander and told him. "I look forward to seeing your nomination go through to the highest channels…" Evidently she was well aware of what he had done and that he'd been nominated for a medal.
"Son," Animal looked up to see a Vice-Admiral wearing gold naval aviator wings standing there looking solemnly at the line of jurors who had just shook Animal's hand. When Animal was done talking to the jurors; the vice-admiral stepped forward and commented casually, "I didn't think you were guilty. David has always had an entitlement complex…" The admiral said as Animal looked over at him…as he noticed the name on his tag, Vice-Admiral Mitchell Campbell: this was Rabbit's father. "The government tape showed that you did it right…I wish I could say sorry for what my son did, but I realize that that is his responsibility."
"Sir, David was an adult; he knew exactly what he was getting into." Animal said, "A father shouldn't have to take responsibility for a grown son's actions."
"David has always been a bully in order to get what he wanted. I'm just glad that he didn't win this time around." VADM Mitch Campbell said, "I thought I had taught him better; I failed. He's never done things the hard way if he could get away with kicking the feet out from under someone and it came back to bite him. And I saw it today on that tape. He was a coward. He didn't own up to what he did which was leave those men out there and figured that you were an easy target. I'm glad that he was wrong. You have honor…in fact, I wish you were the son that I had." He reached out his left hand to rest it on Animal's right shoulder in a gesture of warmth and camaraderie between two men considered heroes, "And your actions after you came back on the carrier to go back and get those men out while under heavy fire…you deserve what they're planning to give you. Look, if I can do anything for you…" He passed Animal his COMNAVAIRFOR card, "Just call…I'll go to bat for you…I'll give you my support, son…" By this time, they had walked through the building and headed outside of the court building on the base; Harm, Meg, Uncle Ollie, Tom Boone, AJ and Krennick following behind; Uncle Ollie beside Meg. "I know they're still in the investigation stage of this award, but I know for a fact that you're going to get it…the events bear themselves out on that hill…" the Vice-Admiral snapped to attention…and saluted; an age-old unofficial tradition of flag officers saluting MoH recipients. Animal snapped to attention and saluted the Vice Admiral back. "You have a good day, Commander; I have to head back to North Island and back to my duties."
"Thank you, sir."
"Commander, I think you just found yourself a guru…" Rear Admiral AJ Chegwidden said as VADM Campbell turned and walked away, presumably to catch a flight back to San Diego, "And I'll be damned that it's from the unlikeliest source, I've ever seen…He's a genuine hero…just like you." Animal had noticed that the Vice-Admiral was wearing the Navy Cross (the second highest medal for valor) just like Rear Admiral Chegwidden.
"Like you too, sir…" Animal stated looking over at AJ's rack; his eyes indicating the Navy Cross that AJ wore. "I sure wasn't expecting that either, sir." Animal's eyes were about as big as pie-plates; he hadn't expected Rabbit's father to throw support behind his bench rather than Rabbit's but Rabbit's father was disgusted at the lack of honor that his son displayed, so much so that he refused to support his son.
"Well…" AJ said…"Are you staying another day in Yokosuka or heading back immediately to the TR?" to Harm and Meg.
"Well, sir, I think we'll spend one more evening to recover from the court case…and then we'll head back on the COD."
"Well at least you'll have peace and quiet…" AJ remarked as he recalled Rabbit being hauled screaming out of the courtroom. "Well, I have to be heading back to Falls Church. Just came out to see what it was that my JAG investigators were getting their noses into…since I expected a report regarding the award a couple days ago." He smiled…giving Rabb and Meg a pointed look. Both winced.
Animal grinned at Harm. "In trouble as usual…huh, Rabb?"
"Now you take care of the Lieutenant, Commander." AJ grinned at Animal who nodded affirmatively. "And if you're coming to Bethesda to rehab that arm, I'll see you at JAG Headquarters when you drop the Lieutenant off." Harm looked over at AJ when he heard AJ tell Animal to take care of Meg. What? AJ wasn't talking; he just stated, "I gotta head back to the office. Make sure that the rest of my lawyers aren't slacking off either."
Captain Thomas Boone grinned over at Animal, "I knew you did it right, Animal…and I'm sure damned glad that it was your defense counsel that got to me before prosecution; because even if it put me behind bars, I wouldn't have given them anything. Now I gotta head back to my air wing…on the Seahawk. Take care, shipmate."
"You too, CAG Boone…" Animal saluted him and Tom returned the salute then he said his good byes to Harm and Meg along with a look towards Meg and at Animal, catching Meg's attention with a wink, a nod and a grin. Harm was looking over at Boone with a 'what' expression as Boone shrugged his shoulders, patted Harm on the shoulder consolingly and then headed off. Harm looked absolutely confused by this time as he stood staring at both Animal and Meg who were standing close together looking for answers, but none were forthcoming at all. He stood there looking like he'd gotten hit in the head with a heavy bag and had his bell rung.
The sun was reaching the horizon as they all looked towards the west and it appeared that there was a slight breeze making the air a bit cooler than what it was earlier in the day. And since Tom Boone had headed on his way back to the Seahawk; it was just Harm, Krennick, Uncle Ollie, Meg and Animal. Lindsey, sore at his loss, had headed to the airport to catch a commercial flight back to JAG HQ. Krennick grinned, her voice throaty; "Well, I'd better get going too. It was good meeting you, Commander…" She warmly shook his hand and looked Animal up and down…a very hungry, calculating look on her face as she gauged his Commander's uniform, his navy wings, and the rows of ribbons on his rack and mentally figured out just how good of a catch he was in terms of a relationship. She calculated that Commander Nakamura was on the upwards climb in his naval career. He'd be a very handsome catch if she played her cards right and stated, her voice almost a growling purr. "Maybe we can go out for drinks when you're in town next…I'd certainly like to talk with you about what your plans are for your career." She gave Animal a smirk and then sauntered off.
Meg's eyes narrowed; her back rose and Harm thought he could see steam coming out her ears. Meg could sense that Krennick was going on the prowl again and this time, she was invading Meg's turf and Meg didn't like it one bit. Harm looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
"What!" Meg snapped.
"Rowr…pffft?" he asked; a wide grin on his face.
"Shut up, sir…"
Harm's grin grew wider.
Animal looked over at him, "So…I'm getting hungry, how about you two?"
Uncle Ollie pulled Meg to the side, "I really have to be getting back too…Meg. But just a word of advice?"
"Yes, Uncle Ollie…" Meg said; giving her uncle a hug.
"If you love him…let him know that…"
"Uncle Ollie, I don't know how my heart feels about him…yet…" Meg looked down at the ground bashfully, not ready to admit just how much she wanted to know if the Commander reciprocated her feelings to her uncle.
"Well…when it does let you know…let him know…"
"I love you, Uncle Ollie…"
"I love you too, Meg…"
"Commander," Uncle Ollie called out, "It was a pleasure to meet you."
"It was a pleasure to meet you too, sir." Animal reached out and shook Ollie's hand as Meg stepped to Animal's side. The commander was only an inch shorter than his niece.
"You two make a good pair…" Ollie observed as he gave Meg a grin, thinking back to the vision that he'd seen when he'd first met up with the commander. Harm was looking over at Meg then at Animal with a raised eyebrow and a stunned expression.
"I'll see you three later…" And Ollie was off too.
"You two make a good pair?" Harm was confused; he looked over at Animal then at Meg and back again looking for clarification he wasn't going to get.
"I think it went over your head, sir. Best not to think about it…might cause a helmet fire, sir. C'mon…let's go get something to eat…I'm hungry." Meg grabbed Animal by the arm…and walked off; just for good measure holding up a hook'em horns sign with her free hand behind her back. Harm brought up the rear, his mouth hanging open and gaping like a fish.
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